Want to increase facebook likes?

Want to Increase Facebook Likes on Your Fanpage?

  There are plenty of ways to increase your facebook likes with paying some money. But do they work at all……… well, here are some tips to increase your FB likes.
1.       The quickest way to grow your fan base is advertising on Facebook.
2.       Rotate your ads “DAILY” people get tired of hearing the same thing in conversation so change your ad!  
3.       Include a link to your Facebook page in your email signature.
4.       Post content from your blog to Facebook whenever you write a new post. Facebook users love receiving new content on Facebook without having to go looking for your blog.
5.       Compelling photos that are appropriate for your target audience will keep them coming back and make them share.
6.       Free exclusive video that can only be viewed if you like the page.
7.       Initially ask friends and family to like your page.
8.       Make it obvious on a custom landing page by providing a big bold “Like our Page”.
9.       Ask questions regularly using Facebook’s native question app.
10.   Run a competition. Everyone likes a competition.

What are the Advantages of increasing facebook likes?
            Increasing Facebook Like is also increasing your network. Just having thousands of friends or thousands more from your fan page is very viral. The more likes you get, the more people will be in your network.More people means more audience. Now if you are selling something, this means more potential customers for you.


  1. manojhari said...:
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  1. GN Timilsina said...:
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